angela nesbitt

I help CEO's develop Mind Mastery to Amplify their Positive Impact and Joy!

To get from where you are right now to where you want to be, you need someone on your side, to help you catalyze your potential, so that you can amplify your impact.

When everyone is trusting you to navigate your clients, company and stakeholders through rough seas, who do you trust?

Schedule some time to 
discuss your needs with Angela

Become the type of leader who is a
  Vision Builder and a Value Shaper

Hi! I'm Angela!

I work with you to create a business that you're proud of ...

All while maximizing your profits and giving you (more) freedom.

If you are ready for intense, deep one-on-one coaching that identifies the root causes that derail you, your team, or your company, then let's talk.  We'll replace outdated thought-patterns whilst  upskilling your insights so that you create the personal and business life that you choose!

I believe we Have Nearly Unlimited Potential

I believe that we can grow and scale our businesses, leverage our skills for transformation and empowerment of those around us, and create better futures for our families, employees, and customers - at the same time as creating abundance financially!

The world is changing around us, and now is the time for leaders to develop their skills, their businesses, and their contribution, so that they can empower the leaders of the future.

As we create high performance cultures that preserve the integrity of  humanity and our planet, we pave the way for everyone to thrive.  

Are you ready?

Schedule some time to discuss 
your needs with Angela

Developing Executive Presence is a journey  to integrate your wisdom and executive powers.

Navigate through uncertainty

Access your wisdom , increase your adaptability and resilience,  and build trust — in yourself, in others, in life.  

The clearer  and more aligned YOU are, the greater your ability to navigate unchartered waters.

Build Powerful Networks

Master the skills to make heart-to-heart connections, develop leaders and partners, and enroll them in the vision for sustainable performance and wellbeing.

When we have authentic, trusting, supportive relationships, the load is lighter, power is magnified, and resources are greater.

Aligned, coherent action

Action follows attention and awareness.  Reduce reactive behavior and replace it with individuals and teams who are alert and aligned with priorities and values.

Right Action enables  you to integrate systems thinking (taking care of all stakeholders) with successful achievement of desired outcomes to enhance the integrity of you and your business.

Helping you to find clarity so that you can make better decisions and amplify your impact.

Angela Nesbitt is an executive coach, facilitator, and mentor for leaders who want to increase their social impact while running profitable businesses.

   She helps clients create much-needed clarity, navigate uncertainty, and create powerful partnerships to leverage their impact.

Angela supports leaders through these uncertain times of change and complexity, helping them to focus on what is most meaningful, build trust to reduce friction in the system, create high-performance cultures, master the different types of intelligences needed today, and to evolve and redefine
 their leadership success for the world that is emerging.  

In her spare time, she is passionate about sailing, tango and

"Clients experience phenomenal success because they are able to connect and resonate with their strengths  and values, eliminate thought patterns that sabotage them, and spin golden chains of trusting relationships so they can amplify their impact... "

schedule some time to meet with angela

Mind Mastery Lab

6 weeks to activate and strengthen your mind, intercept negative thought patterns and discover practical, real-life applications.

Schedule a call with Angela